Ourbus honors our Veterans – Four ways to pay tribute if you live in DC

When was the last time you saw a war movie? I am not asking about televison news related to war somewhere in the world. News somehow occupies a distant part of our minds like background music. We know its there but we never pay attention to it or ponder over it.

But movies are about people. People with names, families, stories, aspirations. People who do something, people who live, marry, die, kill. These people are sometimes real, sometimes fictitious.ร‚ Nevertheless they kindle in the audience a sense of what it feels like to be out there.

Our Veterans were such people, with families. Yet they chose to serve the nation. The leave those families behind so that we can sleep in peace with our families back home.

This Veterans Day, Ourbus salutes and honors those brave souls who are responsible for the freedom we share today!

Here are a few ways you can honor their memory and pay tribute. Ourbus is honored to take you to these destinations.

  1. Vietnam Veterans Memorial wreath-laying ceremony: DC locals, visitors and families of veterans gather at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to honor those who served in the Vietnam War. Many visitors leave personal effects and more than 400,000 items have been collected since the memorial opened to the public. Each year on Veterans Day, a color guard, noted speakers and wreath-laying observances begin at 1 p.m.
  1. Take in the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial: A visit to the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial is a powerful reminder of the cost of war. This national memorial honors the sacrifice of those who were disabled in service to this country across all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. Located near the U.S. Botanical Garden and in view of the U.S. Capitol.
  1. Pay tribute at Arlington National Cemetery and Women In Military Service For America Memorial: The gravestones at this national military cemetery, which has been open for over 150 years, are an impactful lesson on the true costs of war. Walk the paths of this historic park or attend the time-honored memorial ceremony. Each year on Veterans Day, a prelude concert begins in the Memorial Amphitheater at 10:30 a.m., which is followed by a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at 11 a.m. and an observance program in the amphitheater. The Womens Memorial resides at the gateway to the Arlington National Cemetery, and is the only major national memorial to honor women that have defended the U.S. during all eras and in all services. The annual Veterans Day observance at the memorial includes formal military honors, a keynote address, veterans’ remarks and a wreath-laying.

It is important to make time for tribute and reflection. Book your ticket today- do not miss these Veterans Day programs.

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