Quarantining? OurBus offers discount hotel bookings for Cornell University Student quarantine

Update as on 8/12/20: online sales have ended but there is still availability. You must call the hotel and book over the phone, and ask for the OurBus group rate.   On July 30, 2020, Cornell University announced a mandatory 14-day Cornell University Student quarantine before coming to campus for  those traveling to Cornell from a state on the NY State COVID-19 Travel Advisory list of Restricted States. For Cornell University students coming from COVID-19 hot spot states, hotel rooms in…

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branded bus going to pick up passengers

Where’s My Bus?

  OurBus’ Real-Time Bus Tracking Feature Gives Passengers and Loved Ones Peace of Mind A story inspired by OurBus Travelers One of the things my father explained to me when my wife and I were expecting the birth of my daughter was that there will be many milestones in the years to come. Some of them will be moments to look forward to, others will come sooner than you expect. We reached one of those milestones this past weekend when…

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Spending your vacations at home can be bliss!

  You will never hear anybody say that they don’t want to spend quality time at home especially vacations. The word home itself bring so many memories in the mind that the idea of spending time at home is like taking a pill of ecstasy. Some artists even quoted that, Home is a long, bear hug with someone you love. The line itself shows the intensity of emotions a person can share, so spending time at such a place is…

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Lessons Learned From A Japanese Train Company: A Customer-Centric Approach

  The news of a Japanese train company issuing a sincere apology. After one of its express trains left the station a whopping 20 seconds ahead of schedule. This left many in the U.S. and beyond in shock, awe and appreciation. Since Thanksgiving one of the busiest travel times of the season is almost here. Lets pause and reflect on what we, as transportation professionals, can learn from the Tokyo Metropolitan Intercity Railway Companys humble apology. All transportation companies should…

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Long commute? Don’t worry Ourbus aids your commuting health

  The reality of urban living is long commutes to colleges and to work. For all of us who live in NYC or DC, it is impossible to not commute long distances to find opportunities that we cherish. It is indeed a way of life and is here to stay. I sometimes wish I could be dropped off in a helicopter to my school like the Jetsons (cartoon show in 90s… yes, I am a 90s kid), but the reality…

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6 ways to spice up you winters- tips for Ourbus commuters!

Winter is here! And that certainly means both good things and bad. To start with, one can hole up in your blanket and binge-watch GoT episodes non-stop. And the lovely coats, scarves. Snow (the good kind, not the mucky kind). Then there are terrible things like shoveling the driveway, cleaning the roof of your car, blocked drains, bursting pipes and so on. But a little fun goes a long way in making the most of your winters in addition to…

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Squeeze in workouts in between long commutes with OurBus

We recently spoke of the importance of sleep for commuters to ensure that you stay healthy with the daily drudge. Today we will speak of Workouts. How is it possible to squeeze in workouts regularly and stay in shape and fit in spite of the realities of long commutes? Ourbus takes your wellbeing and health very seriously and thus in addition to making you commute easy, we also like to share health tips to ensure your healthy living. Routine goes…

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OurBus makes you stay sane even in the busiest hours.

  That tantalizing dream of traveling without stress has been for so long! Yes, according to the varied survey, people tend to be more in stress while traveling to their workplaces or even while going back as well. Much has been written and talked about. The ways to reduce stress while traveling but the output has been consistent with inflation in the stress rate. Be it stress related to professional or personal life, it hampers ones productivity and quality of…

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Being Solo on the trip – Why?

While traveling you might have observed that some people travel solo. There are some reasons as well as perks of traveling all by you. Doesn’t matter what is their mode of transport is, it can either they travel by bus or anything else. They just pack their bags and leave their home to explore. Here are some of the thoughts behind those solo travel: No rules only freedom! If you are traveling solo then you can do your own thing.…

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This Thanksgiving, be the change!

  We don’t notice but small- small things have a lot more impact on people. The places you regularly visit, people you see daily but don’t interact, etc. are in reality part of your life in one or the other way. Let me ask you a question. How do you commute to office? Subway, Bus, or Car? The story of traveling through a bus and subway is almost same. To see faces which are there daily but have never even…

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