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Monday, 11 October $17,005:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Monday, 11 October $17,005:30 PM - 7:00 PM
1 Result Found
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43 Grandrose Ave. Park Ridge
IL 60068
9526 Brookside Rd. Ephrata
PA 17522
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Transportation provided by
- Child Car Seat Policy - Parents traveling with infants must bring their own child car seat and purchase a separate ticket. Passengers who don't have the child seat will be denied boarding.
- Beverage Policy - For beverages, only containers with screw-on caps are allowed. No alcoholic drinks are allowed. This is to prevent accidental spills and minimize the risk of liquid substances causing damage to the bus or inconvenience to other passengers.
Bus stations and stops in State College, PA
When travelling by bus from NYC to Ithaca, you will depart from 625 8th Avenue, New York.
The bus stop at Ithaca is located at 131 Green Street, Downtown Ithaca.
The precise location and time of your departure with be available to you once you make your reservation on the OurBus App.
How long does the bus take from NY to Ithaca?
The bus journey from NYC to Ithaca takes 4 hours and 25 minutes.
When does the bus leave from NYC to Ithaca?
The bus leaves NYC at 10:00 a.m. and arrives in Ithaca at 2:25 p.m.
The departure times and ETA are available on or the OurBus Commuter App.
I would like to alter my ticket from NYC to Ithaca to an earlier or later date.
What do I do with my original ticket?
Tickets cannot be modified, we request you to purchase a new ticket to Ithaka for your desired departure date and time, to ensure that your seat on the bus is reserved. Thereafter, please e-mail us a copy of your original and new ticket to and we can cancel your old ticket for a full refund. Please allow 3-5 days for the refund.
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